Window to the Past

The Hubs has had a couple of old windows saved here and there from our 1890-built home. I didn't want him to throw them away, thinking that one day I would do something with them. After living here for 15 years, I've finally done something with one of them. And now I can truly say it's a Trash to Treasure window I will keep forever.

Window to the Past Trash to Treasure

I have filled each pane of this old shabby window with vintage photos, scrapbook paper, and assorted ephemera to make it sort of a Window to the Past. The upper left pane features of photo of my mother when she was a little girl. It's one of my favorite photos of her; she's wearing a dress my great grandmother made for her. The upper right pane features a photo of Nana, my grandmother when she was a young woman. I love how happy she looks in the photo . The lower left pane shows my mom when she was a very little girl, on a boat with Nana (my mom's mother) and Nana's mother. Mom was very close to my great grandmother, so I love photos of them together. And the bottom right pane features my mom and her grandmother. My mom is dressed up like the cutest little cowgirl, and she's holding her grandmother's hand. I just love that photo.

Here are some larger versions of each window pane so you can see the details a bit better.

Trash to Treasure Window

Trash to Treasure Window

Trash to Treasure Window

Trash to Treasure Window

This came out looking rather Shabby Chic, which wasn't exactly my intention since my home decor leans toward country and primitive, but I love it either way.  Nothing wrong with adding a little Shabby Chic flair, right? I love that it's kind of crusty and old looking. And I love that it was a part of this house in the distant past. This window is going to hang above my couch so I can see it everyday. Just have to get the Hubs to help me hang it!

The Cat Behind the Door Collage

I haven't been entering too many art challenges lately, so I was feeling the need to join in again. Luckily I came across the Three Muses Doorways challenge last night, and that inspired me to create this Digital Collage: The Cat Behind the Door.

Cat Behind the Door Digital Collage

It's basically an old lady who lives in an old house with her old cat. And then there's this little mouse who likes to tease and taunt the old cat, because he can play outside while the cat cannot. OK, well, that's the story that I came up with in my head once I found a vintage photo I wanted to work with for this digital collage. It works, I think.

Witch and Owl Digital ATC

I wanted to do some more Altered Art today, and I'm still working digitally right now. And since I'm still kind of in Halloween and witch mode, I thought I'd create another ATC with a Halloween theme.

Witch and Owl Digital Art

I guess you could really just consider it a Digital Collage too. Either one applies, after all. I knew I wanted to use this particular vintage photo I had of a witch, so I added everything else to complement that for Boo Day. Purple and orange always looks so good together, and they're perfect for Halloween. She's not exactly a scary witch, but she does fit the holiday!

BeWitched Digital ATC

I've been having Halloween on the brain for some reason, which is funny since I really don't care that much for Halloween--outside of seeing my grandkids in their costumes, of course. But since my mind is stuck in Halloween mode, I thought I'd create a digital ATC with a witch theme.

BeWitched Digital Art

She's a rather pretty witch, don't you think? :) I love the colors of Fall and Halloween, so that inspired me for this Digital Collage more than anything else. I love how it turned out.

MJ Fairy Art

OK, so it's clear I have a love of all things fairies...and Michael Jackson. So I decided it was time to combine those two loves into one artistic Fairy Art creation. It's a nice addition to my Michael Jackson Art collection. :)

MJ Fairy Michael Jackson Art

Even if you're not a Michael Jackson fan, but you love fairies, hopefully you'll enjoy this. I love how it turned out. He truly was a magical being, living in his own Neverland. So it just seemed like a natural fit to turn MJ into a fairy.